The Drug Free Institute

Education - Research - Practical Application
Dare to discover the unknown

Welcome to The Drug Free Institute’s Education page.

Many people ask themselves this question….

Why am I not getting better? What options do I have?

We can’t answer the first question, but we can answer the second question; what options do I have? Especially if your health concerns fall within the following diagnosed conditions which we are actively seeking to study in our trials of what works --

Sciatic Pain
Low Back Pain
Back/Neck Pain
Arthritis (all kinds)
Knee Pain (No previous studies)
Carpal Tunnel Pain (No previous studies)
Plantar Fasciitis (No previous studies)
You just feel crappy (and a un-diagnosed condition)

In fact, The Drug Free Institute was created for that purpose. To help consumers explore and discover what drug free healing modalities are out there and to help you discover which modalities work best for you. This is 16 weeks of focusing on YOU, by YOU.

Before we go any farther, so not to waste your time, please understand this is a physical healing modality offered Wednesday and Thursday nights from six to nine pm near downtown Boise, Idaho. A one day Saturday seminar offered every three weeks is required to join the program at any time. Reflexology/acupressure is at the core of the program so expect your hands, arms, shoulders to get some use. You’ll need accurate use of your hands more than strength in your hands as you will be working on yourself daily for about 15 minutes in addition to your class mates maybe family and friends. All you will need is their hand to help.

But again, the focus is you. It’s a time commitment for your personal health you need to be willing to accept. Budget one and 1/2 hours a day in a to lay back into color therapy (and optional audio/vibration session). You can relax during that time or you can include a Mudra or perhaps 20 minutes of meditation or other modality you’ve discovered into that hour. Do your personal session at the same time. You’ll have other tools at your disposal as well. What works best for you? That is the question.

You’ll find the answer to that question because each week two new drug free healing modalities will be introduced. Your job is to hit the internet and explore your current condition you wish to improve and balance and discover if there is any information available in the healing modalities of the week that will help you. If it is not known to help your condition, are there any conditions you saw over and over that it did help. The following week you’ll present a concise report on your findings. Will this modality help me? Then it’s on to the next weeks modalities.

Here is an example of a discovery for scurvy. Say you’ve been suffering for years generally feeling unwell. With fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, fever, painful joints and muscles not going away. Then on week 3 you (or a classmate) discover the cause is scurvy and the cure is to put more vitamin C into your diet. You may have not known that before. Now you do. So you have a solution as simple as adding a vitamin that will solve your lack of energy and other problems too which you may not have discovered if you didn’t join in this “Participatory Drug Free Health Care Program”. What do you choose? Try vitamin C or not? Any week you may discover something just as wonderful. Chances are you’ve never explored drug free healing techniques before. This is your chance.

Here is where the fun comes in. Four months is a long time. Time enough to make changes in your lifestyle and to benefit from daily therapy. The more devoted to your recovery you are I suspect you’ll see greater improvement over this time. What’s more fun in my mind is that the program will contain people with all kinds of health concerns. You’re all going to scatter to the winds in search for help for your personal conditions and when you do your report to the class, someone else might also benefit from your search that no one else discovered. It didn’t help me, but student 15 may find relief and off goes student 15 to pursue that lead. Student 18, six and nine follow suit because they are interested in learning more.

The program is structured in rolling classes with a mandatory one day “Fundamentals of Drug Free Health Care” seminar every three weeks. The fundamentals seminar is a one day introduction to the tools you will need to understand and utilize during the 16 week course. This allows participants to jump in anywhere in the rolling schedule during the year without slowing down the class.

You will not know the weekly modalities (or concepts) you’ll explore until the week of the class to avoid burnout. This is an overload of information if you let it be. Lot’s of reading homework in support of the healing modality itself. We want you to do an in-depth exploration of each weekly modality instead of rush through them all in a flash and possibly miss something important.

The core modalities you will use day in day out during the 16 weeks are hand reflexology, a very effective system as invented by Devendora Vora. Spectra Chrome Color Therapy and Bach Flower Remedies. All three we’re created by their creators to empower the consumer/lay person to help improve their own personal health. If you are willing to do the work. And that’s what this program is all about. 16 weeks of YOU focusing on YOU.

This is not your typical instructor/student kind of program. You’ll get pointed in the right direction rather than sit for a lecture on a specific subject. Class discussion of discoveries is paramount. This is more of a guided exploration and you have one week to explorer reporting your discoveries/findings and then moving on to the next weeks modalities to evaluate if you want to include them into your personal healing program or not.

Above we said, student 18, 6 and 9 followed a lead because of their interest. In the end you’ll have a well rounded understanding of what modalities are out there. Many more exist. This is the tip of an iceburg. What is going to grab your fancy during the 16 weeks covering 30 some modalities in addition to our core therapies? What will you add as a special interest, if any? Which, if any or all modalities will resonate with you? That’s the fun of it.

Prior to the start of the program you will be given an extensive health evaluation form to fill out. This is because it will be fun to look back at the end of the 16 weeks to view your progress as symptoms quietly fell away during that time. You just kind of forgot about them just as you had learned to live with them before your participation in this program. Reflexology works on all parts of the body, all conditions, at the same time and for the same cost so if you joined the program to explore solutions to your ??? condition, we expect you to also joyfully discover your ??? problems have improved and XXX too! That’s the power of reflexology. 63 different conditions are helped with a 93 percent effective rate according to research. We want to see if that’s true, but we really think we stacked the deck in your favor with the conditions we picked. Sixteen years of personal experience on top of past research. Another confirming point will be each student will be seeking their own solution to their health concerns and you are the witness to their progress. Sixteen weeks later you’ll look at your evaluation form and cross off the different health concerns you no longer have as will your fellow students. It should be an interesting day.

Did the 16 weeks help you? I tell people, the proof is in the puddin’. And so it will be. You’ll be surprised at your progress or at least that is our intention but the creator (you) will have their way. Jesus said with the faith of a mustard seed you could say to that mountain go hither and it would. Thoughts are things. Thoughts create your future. Your emotions are key. This is another subject of our core teachings. Your thoughts count.

Our first Saturday seminar “Fundamentals of Drug Free Health Care” will be held March 30, 2019 near downtown Boise from 9 a.m. to six p.m. The address will be supplied after your application is accepted. The cost will be: $179.00

Subjects covered will be the teaching of D. Vora, Spectra Chrome and Bach Flower Remedies. Three systems designed to empower you to help you by following their systems and their desire to help you do so and get started on a number of paths to improve your health.

Our first weeks classes will commence the following Wednesday and Thursday from 6 to 9 p.m. near downtown Boise, Idaho.

The cost of your freedom is $1776.00 for the 16 weeks of exploration in the world of drug free health care. Just over 100 hours of guided exploration of many options which may help you. Supplies will be extra (under $100) with other optional supplies available for purchase which may help your recovery, but not mandatory for this program.

We’ve made arrangements with a local nearby hotel for a two night package for those who live to far away for a daily commute. Please ask when you contact us if you need accommodations for Wednesday and Thursday nights. Or just Wednesday night. You’ll get off at nine p.m. on Thursday night. Might as well stay if you can.

More information will be forthcoming when our "real" website is ready. Thank you for your interest. Send us an e-mail if you are interested. Say "I'm Interested in Healing" in the subject line to flag it for us.

Thank you!