The Drug Free Institute

Education - Research - Practical Application
Dare to create a better life for yourself

Welcome to The Drug Free Institutes Career Page.

We live in strange times. Nothing like this has ever happened in history before and yet in a few short ten years, those who are supposed to know tell us up to 50 percent of current jobs will become automated which means 50 percent of the work force will be out of jobs. Taxi drivers, fast food workers, truck drivers, factory workers and many other industries will no longer need their current work force. Robots will take over. That leaves the question of what are you going to do to insure you have a way to feed you and your family into the future?

We have a dream. Grow with us.

The Drug Free Institute is seeking to build a body of research data that reaffirms past reflexology trials in specific conditions as an effective non-toxic option to drug therapy for those conditions with the hope that best practices in health care will come sooner as a result and we will be ready to supply documentation.

To this end, we will be opening a number of Research Centers around the Treasure Valley which we would like to staff with graduates of our 16 week “Participatory Health Care Program” so that all centers use the same techniques to gain similar results across the different centers in the different trials we are conducting.

In 2007 I was at a major acupuncture conference with my teachers where all the different associations were meeting and the speaker mentioned that 80 percent of those who graduate as acupuncturists end up pursuing a different career. Later I asked my teachers if I heard right. 80 percent fail to pursue a career and the answer was yes and the reason was lack of business skills. They could be the best healers out there, but when it came to running a business, they were doomed.

A friend of mine who taught at a massage school told me the same thing. He has not taught in five or more years and he doesn’t know a single student who is still doing massage he trained. Further to that, there are tons of real real good massage therapists out there as competition.

The Drug Free Institute is going to change that paradigm of failure through specialization in specific conditions we include in our trials. We’re not going to try to be everything to everyone. There is a huge population currently suffering with little hope in the conditions we have chosen. We bring good news! We expect our research will confirm or exceed past trials favorable results and we will be able to serve and alleviate the suffering of many more people.

The second way to change the paradigm of failure is by staffing the Treatment Centers with our best graduates who are fired up by their own positive experience and by watching their class mates success. People who are looking forward to helping others with similar conditions would work well on our staff.

The last way to change the paradigm of failure is we take care of the business aspects. You are responsible for taking care of the client once they come through the door. Everyone is responsible for promoting our work to get the client through the door. But that is our main function and basic run the show stuff that frees you to just enjoy the work and miracles and hone your healing skills rather than your business skills.

Long term, we will eventually be able to provide the data to pursue insurance coverage as the health care industry is going to go through some serious changes under universal health care which is coming in the not to far future. We want to be ready to show that $12,000 for a trained “Symbiotic Systems Reflexologist” for a year of treatment is more cost effective, less invasive and more effective than the current standard of care. That’s the goal.

Study hard, push for your own success during the 16 weeks and your investment in your personal health may also be your investment in your new career.

Dare to create a better life for yourself