The Drug Free Institute

Education - Research - Practical Application
Dare to explore the unknown

You are on the edge of your known world looking forward. Into a world ahead that is new and perhaps exciting. The path is unclear, but you know that what you have been trying in the past is not working for you. It's time to move forward. Your health is still not getting any better.

And yet, what options do you have? Your situation is similar to many others. Many are very unfamiliar with other drug free healing options because it's usually out of desperation that someone is forced to look outside the (insurance coverage) box. That's how the Principal of The Drug Free Institute saw his reflexology business blossom. Reflexology helped those who were not helped by other healing modalities and the word spread. Sixteen years of experience later and The Drug Free Institute opens it's doors to you. If you are ready to engage your time and energy into solving your own personal health concerns but don't know where to start, you've come to the right place.

The Drug Free Institute was formed to give consumers an opportunity to discover the world of drug free therapies through a 16 week, hands-on exploration of many drug free therapies with the objective of providing participants with improved health by experiencing, learning and practicing four symbiotic self care systems over the four month period. Time to take care of YOU!

Further to those core therapies, each week two new drug free modalities will be introduced for your consideration which you will investigate/research for the express purpose of discovering this answer – will this modality help ME. The internet is vast. What will you find?

We call it “Participatory Drug Free Health Care Program” where you focus on YOU to discover what may work for you in a guided exploration of many drug free healing modalities (ie: techniques and/or healing systems) and lifestyle choices out there in the world.

The Drug Free Institute is segmented into three sections

Trials/Research segment is where specific conditions are researched through ten sessions twice a week for those who desire no schooling. "Just help me so I can get on with my life please!". Note: Ten sessions is the standard for past trials. Expect results, but nothing is guaranteed which is why we are doing these trials in the first place. Can we replicate previous results or not? Follow the links provided for your condition to discover what the results were and sign up or not. What is the evidence? You feel better ten sessions later.

Education segment features our 16 week “Participatory Drug Free Health Care Program” whose goal is to allow you to systematically explore the world of drug free health care and discover if there is a healing modality which may help you with your specific concerns. In the eyes of the current medical system you will be taking your life into your own hands. And we say exactly. Just what you need. Take charge of your personal health choices utilizing information you and your class mates gleen from the internet and other sources (books). You may choose to stay on drug therapy with your new found knowledge.

Taken another way, this is not our call as to what choice you make in your personal healh care. That’s your call. Through this unique course, you’ll learn information to make informed decisions between the many kinds of therapies because you researched it yourself along with your classmates seeking their own solutions and this allows you to choose the best path for yourself because you'll be more informed than most. What is the evidence? You feel better 16 weeks later.

It is fair to state that often the "side-effect" you may get from what are often called and referred to as “Alternative Therapies” is they just might not work. There are few with dangerous side effects worse than death.

Our third segment is our “Career” segment. In addition to the skills you learn in our 16 week hands-on program helping yourself, this could be the springboard into a new career for those who want to find a more fulfilling career. And there is not much more fulfilling than helping people. Those who complete the training and have watched their classmates and themselves progress will be qualified upon completion of this program to staff our "Research Centers” we are creating to give you work in your new career helping people.

Our new website is not complete yet. If the concept above is any interest to you please send us an e-mail or come back in a few days and our full website should be up and running.